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Uncategorized | 11.12.2017

Origine by Diam, winner at the SITEVI INNOVATION AWARDS 2017

Representing a major technological breakthrough in the closure sector, Origine by Diam was awarded the bronze medal at the renowned international competition, the SITEVI Innovation Awards 2017.

 Results of the renowned international competition, the SITEVI Innovation Awards 2017, were announced on 19th September in Montpellier during a press conference attended by numerous journalists and captains of industry.

With 79 candidates, compared to 60 in 2015, this competition recognizes the most innovative products and services presented by exhibitors at the Sitevi trade show, bearing witness to the tremendous impetus for innovation driving the wine industry.

The Origine by Diam closure responds perfectly to the trend towards improvements that meet the sector’s environmental requirements. It offers an ever more natural corking solution while maintaining the recognized reliability of Diam closures in terms of safety, homogeneity and oxygen control:

A cork closure incorporating a beeswax emulsion and binder composed of 100% plant polyols.

The use of bio-sourced materials is part of the company’s environment-friendly approach and enables the demands of its most exacting clients to be met.

In just a few months, Origine by Diam was adopted by several dozen wineries around the world. Parallel to the launch of this closure, Diam Bouchage supports the association called “A Roof for Bees” [Un toit pour les abeilles] by sponsoring beehives in various French wine regions.


OENEO est un acteur majeur de la filière vitivinicole, grâce à ses marques haut de gamme et innovantes. Présent dans le monde entier, le groupe couvre l’ensemble des étapes d’élaboration du vin, avec deux divisions majeures et complémentaires: l’Elevage (sociétés Vivelys et Seguin Moreau) et le Bouchage (sociétés Diam et Piedade).

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