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For a business with international reach, acting sustainably and responsibly is key to achieving performance.

The OENEO group is committed to an everyday social responsibility policy. As such, sustainable development is the cornerstone of the bond that the men and women of our group forge with the natural materials we need to develop our barrels and closures.

This commitment is centred around 3 pilars :
- Culture & Expertise
- Resources & Environment
- Products & Services
Discover them in details below.

Culture & Expertise
Promote an open culture and develop our talents

Developing a shared culture of excellence and preserving our know-how is an imperative for the Group.
OENEO must meet the expectations of its employees and take account of changes in society.
In 2022, the Group has defined its Culture and Know-How policy around several axes which are the subject of dedicated policies:

  • Ensuring a safe working environment by developing a safety culture and making our plants;
  • Developing our employees in a positive working environment, by maintaining and adapting skills and improving working conditions;
  • Fostering an inclusive, open and contributive corporate culture, by promoting diversity and equality within our teams, rallying people around a common project and getting involved in our local ecosystems and the wine industry.

Resources & Environment
Preserve resources and minimize our impact.

We are working to control and reduce the environmental impact of our activities. More specifically, our priorities are to preserve the oak and cork forests that are essential to our business, limit greenhouse gas emissions, control water and energy consumption and recycle our waste and by-products.

Products & Services
Innovate for sustainable viticulture and winemaking in service of consumers.

Through its offering, the OENEO Group aims to bring high value-added products and services to its customers and respond to new market trends.
We ensure the food safety of our products by controlling our production chains, and we continually innovate by developing solutions that contribute to the sustainability of the industry and respect for employees and the environment. We are expanding our offering to help the wine sector adapt to global warming and protect the environment.

Key Figures

  • 1038 employees
    *NFRD perimeter
  • 42,5 yo on average
  • 93% of employees have a permanent contract
  • 24% feminization rate
  • 98% of the waste generated by the Group is recycled
  • 81 871 MWh consumed (excluding biomass)
  • 65 342 tons of wood and cork purchased
  • 805 K expenditures on food safety
  • 1,5% of sales dedicated to R&D


Our commitments are geared towards sustainable business, which is the only guarantee for long-lasting success in our areas of expertise. As such, all of our entities are committed to our CSR policy.